Sunday, July 9, 2017

June 25, 2017

week 5 of transfer 11

So this week went by pretty fast, it was a good week as well. Wednesday we were able to meet a new investigator who referred himself to us. Funnily enough, he's from washington and he just moved here a few weeks ago and want to learn more about the church because his brother's a member. It was really cool but we met at a shopping center and that lesson went HORRIBLE. With all the noise and people and distractions it was hard for both of us to teach by the Spirit. I learned a lot about the importance of reverence. It was the first time I've taught in that environment and it'll hopefully be the last. He was saying how he had prayed many times before but had never felt anything and me and my companion just struggled trying to discuss it. But this week we met a couple times with our Brazilian investigator family, the Baruffis. They're solid and super nice, but at the moment they believe any church is good, because at the end of the day it's not the church that saves, but God, and it doesn't matter which one you take, kind of like how you can take different roads to the same destination. But we taught that in Ephesians Paul taught that there is "one Lord, one faith, one baptism," and the Book of Mormon is the proof. Not too many other highlights this week, we had lunch with a member from my first area, Bracken Ridge. Me and my companion both served in B-Ridge (not at the same time) but my companion kept in touch and we had lunch at a park. That was fun. 
Well, there was this one referral we contacted, and she was telling us that the Bible says the earth is flat, therefore, it's flat, that water can't stick to a globe, and all the pictures from NASA and things are just CGI and they're all satanists. That was interesting. Plus there was this other guy who was telling us after going to a Catholic seminary for years, he realized that to know God, (and not just know ABOUT Him,) he had to forget everything he thought he knew about God, and told us to do the same. That threw me for a loop. But not to worry, my testimony stand firm. 
Elder Calvin Cummings

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