Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 2, 2017

here today, gone six weeks later

So transfers have again arrived. And incredibly, I'm already getting transferred out of Bunya Forest. I was only there 1 transfer (6 weeks). It was a tough area, the hardest so far of my mission, but I was actually hoping to stay another transfer because we just started building things up but now I'll have to leave it behind :(. So here's this transfer's stats:
I'm on my 12 transfer now.
My new area is the Redland Bay area, which is right next to the ocean so that's pretty cool.
My new comp is Elder Hymas, from Tooele, Utah.
And...I'm also a zone leader. Whoopee!
Last week we gave a blessing to one of the sister's investigators, visited a couple less actives, and got in a couple bible bashes at the door, which hasn't happened to me in a while. This guy tried to get us on polygamy and just general claims that Joseph Smith was a liar, made it all up, etc. etc.This other baptist lady said the Book of Mormon was made up ("Gold plates? Please!"...."Indians are from the tribes of Israel? *rolls eyes dramatically*) stuff like that. The first guy I was pretty stumped because it caught me off guard. Tried bearing my testimony but then his wife cut me off to tell him to come in for lunch. But the second lady I invited to show me physical evidence of stories from the Bible because she claimed the Book of Mormon was false for the same reason. That stumped her so I said these things are only known by the Spirit. I wish I could give a line by line how it went but when these things happen you only remember a couple things you said after it happens. 
Saturday night we visited our Brazilian investigator family, they're one of the ones I'll miss most from the area because they were so nice and awesome. They fed us casava bread and cheesebread, which was really good. I'd love to upload pics but this computer doesn't have a sd port :( so I'll have to bring my sd to USB adapter next time. Cheers!
Elder Calvin Cummings

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