The Weekly Email from the guy in Australia
Just a pretty average week this week. Last p-day though we went to this crater lake called Lake Eacham and it had a pretty cool walk around track. Plus lots of huge trees.
We had trade offs with the zone leaders on Wednesday. I stayed in our area with Elder Fukofuka. He's Tongan but lived in Morgan Utah most of his life. He's pretty cool and he's been my zone leader for 4 transfers now. Didn't get any pictures though. Doh. We went out to try this less active lady who WOULD be active but she's just so old and frail she can't get to church on Sunday because she lives on a farm like 45 minutes away from the chapel. But we went by and it was pretty cool old farmhouse. She wasn't home though :/ All I could see through the glass sliding door was boxes and boxes of church manuals and books written by apostles and prophets.
We taught our Japanese investigator Hiroko. Teaching is really hard just because she knows so little English but we figured out she was baptized into the baptist church several years ago but we taught her about how she still needs to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands...we'll see how that goes but she needs to come to church first.
Did some service on Saturday for some potential investigators. The dad is a teacher and goes waaaaaay out into the australian bush for a couple weeks at a time to teach school in aboriginal communities. He's from Michigan though and his family's pretty cool. But yeah we had an investigator come to church with us. He's only visiting his grandparents for the holidays but he's going to give us his address in PNG so we can send the missionaries over there to him because he's progressing pretty well.
But yeah-this week is district conference so that'll be interesting.
Elder Cummings